Prenatal Care
We do not accept clients switching to our care after 34 weeks of pregnancy except in rare cases.
Please contact us for a free consult visit prior to this stage of pregnancy if you are interested in birthing with Trillium Midwifery Services.

A great deal of time during your prenatal visits will be spent educating you on ways to optimize your health and remain an appropriate candidate for an out-of-hospital birth. We make an extra effort to review lab results with you in detail and to explain the meaning of these and other findings during your visits. We also discuss diet, proper exercise, and changes and development of mother and baby. We allow you plenty of time to explore your feelings about labor, birth and postpartum, and prepare siblings and other family members by allowing time to ask questions, address concerns, and discuss needs.
Your prenatal care with Trillium Midwifery Services will follow the standard schedule of appointments, physical exams, labs, and screens, similar to what you would experience at a medical clinic. The midwifery difference is the amount of time we spend together, the location of visits and our focus on personalized care. These visits are about you, your pregnancy, and your baby.
We follow the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommendations for appointments as follows: every 4 to 5 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks, and weekly until the birth of your baby.
Our prenatal visits generally take place at one of our clinic locations and typically last up to an hour. Partners, other children, and friends or family are more than welcome to come with you. For those planning a home birth we offer a 36-week home visit at which we discuss home preparations, finalize your plans for your birth, conduct your normal prenatal visit, and verify that we know how to get to your house.
culminating in natural, peaceful births, and healthy moms and babies.
Contact us for a free consult visit.